Academic Session 2021-22 of B.Sc. Nursing and GNM has commenced with a revised B.Sc. Nursing Syllabus.

Academic Session 2021-22 of B.Sc. Nursing and GNM has commenced. This year our University has implemented a revised B.Sc. Nursing Syllabus semester wise.
This revised syllabus is as per Indian Nursing Council, where INC has adopted Credit System & Semester System as per UGC Guidelines. This program is formed of foundational, Core & Elective Courses. The Choice Based System is applicable to electives only and is offered in the form of modules. The main focus of the revised curriculum is to develop a competency-based approach, which is to be achieved through learning in Skill Lab/Simulated Labs and Clinical environment.
This is to be developed through Self Directed Learning, Cultivating Critical thinking skills, developing care strategies, developing professional collaborations, an evidence-based practice resulting in good patient outcomes. INC has included two new subjects as Forensic Nursing and Nursing Informatics in the Curriculum. NNC believes that the revised curriculum will develop next-generation Nurses with a motto of developing Nurses as Nurse Practitioners.