Today on 3rd of Aug 2017 our 2nd batch of GNM-General Nursing & Midwifery at Narayan Nursing College (2013-17) successfully completed their three and half year course.
A grand farewell party was organized for them in multi-purpose hall of our parent Hospital, Narayan Medical College and Hospital (NMCH). Our gratitude to Mr. Trivikram Narayan Singh (M.D,Narayan Medical College and Hospital ), Dr.ML Verma (Technical Director, Narayan Medical College and Hospital ), Dr. Vinod Kumar (Principal, Narayan Medical College and Hospital ), Dr.Guha (HOD, Anatomy Dpt, Narayan Medical College and Hospital ), Mr. Kumar Alok Pratap(Principal,Narayan Academy of Managerial Excellence), Mr.V. Dubey (Principal-in-charge, Narayan Institute of Pharmacy), Mrs. HS Hembrom (Nursing Superintendent, Narayan Medical College and Hospital ) for their presence and for showering blessings to our students.
It’s not an end but a beginning of new journey for our outgoing batch in nursing professional world. Most of our students have already been recruited by reputed hospitals and rest are also going to be placed soon.
We wish them a bright and successful career.